Adult Faith Formation

Adult Faith Formation covers all adult education and faith formation programs. That includes Adult Confirmation, Alpha, Bible Study programs, our book discussion group B.R.E.A.D., Divorce Support, GIFT, Ministry of Mothers, RCIA, Small Christian Communities, and various classes and workshops. For more information check out the Adult Faith Formation page. Contact: Rosemarie McKenney Email: Phone: 925-830-0600

Children’s Faith Formation


Contact: Mary Machi Email: Phone: 925-830-4710

Vacation Bible School [VBS]

VBS is a program that takes place during summer vacation.  It is usually the last full week in June.  The program is geared to those going into Kindergarten through Grade Six.  It is based on either the Old or New Testament with games, crafts, snacks, stories and music to fit the theme.  Teens from Grade 7 to 12 serve as counselors and session leaders.  Adults are needed to direct each area.  The time commitment for teens is (2) two hour prep workshops, 4 hours of decorating the week prior and about 4 hours per day of the week of VBS.  Adults time commitment is whatever time it takes them to prepare their sessions, plus the week of VBS and usually one time to work with teens at a workshop preparation. Contact: Marie Pena  Email:  Phone: 925 830-4710

Children’s Faith Formation offers the following programs from September through April. 

Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry at St. Joan of Arc is a dynamic, exciting ministry that seeks to bring our teens into a deeper relationship with God and our Catholic community. We offer the following:


Edge is our youth ministry for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. It is a weekly youth group that meets Wednesday nights from 7-8:30 p.m. in the gym. Teen and adult group leaders facilitate discussion on the topic of the day, helping our 7th and 8th graders to make our faith their own. Adult and Teen volunteers are needed. Contact: Gina Camp Email: Phone: 925 830-4720


LIGHT welcomes all high school students! We meet Monday nights during the school year from 7-8:30 PM in the multipurpose room. Teen and Adult leaders engage teenagers in activities and discussions that deepen our understanding of ourselves and our faith. LIGHT also sponsors three-weekend retreats each year, which offer incredible opportunities to learn about faith and to experience it! Adult volunteers are needed. Contact: Beverly Fung Email: Phone: 925-830-4720

Confirmation for Teens

The confirmation program is open to juniors and seniors in high-school who have completed the prerequisites, which include consistent attendance at two semesters of LIGHT, one parish retreat, and 20 hours of service.  The Confirmation program includes attendance at the Confirmation retreat day and all small group sessions, as well as an evening of reflection. Contact: Gina Camp   Email:  Phone: 925-830-4720


The Student Action Leadership Team consists of high school students who meet regularly to plan LIGHT Nights, and are committed to serve the high school community through retreats, outreach, liturgy, service and socials.  SALT members team with adult leaders to facilitate the small groups at LIGHT Nights. Contact: Mary Machi  Email:  Phone: 925-830-4720