
Oakland Diocese

Biblical Studies

Huge resource for anyone interested in learning more about the Bible, ancient Johannine literature, the four Evangelists, links to many other related topics, ancient manuscripts, art and more.

California Catholic Conference

The official voice of the Catholic Community in California Public Policy Arena.

The Cathedral of Christ the Light

Information about the Cathedral for the Diocese of Oakland.

Catholic Articles

Excerpted articles from monthly publications with practical and uplifting articles.

Catholic Resources

Catholic Resources, readings, Parish and Diocesan Web directory.

The Catholic Voice

Catholic Youth Organization (CYO)

CYO is a sports program offered as a ministry to youth by parishes in the Diocese of Oakland.  The CYO program, through the vehicle of sports, provides youths, 3rd through 8th grade, boys and girls, with an opportunity to practice Christian attitudes and responsibilities, to play in a Christian atmosphere, to develop physical skills, to learn sportsmanship, and to become friends with children throughout the Diocese

Mass Schedules

Database of the Mass Times for all the Catholic churches in the United States.

Theological Schools

Berkeley Based consortium of interdependent theological schools.

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops

The USCCB is an assembly of the U.S. Catholic Church hierarchy who join together to unify, coordinate, encourage, promote and carry on Catholic activities in the United States; to organize and conduct religious, charitable and social welfare work at home and abroad; to aid in education; and to care for immigrants. The bishops themselves constitute the membership of the Conference and are served by a staff of over 350 lay people, priests and religious.

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