Virtus Online Training
In order to protect our parishioners, the diocese requires anyone over 18 who works with children and/or vulnerable adults of the parish to take a class. The Diocese has changed the provider for the training, and it is now provided by Virtus (no longer Shield The Vulnerable). You may also be required to be fingerprinted. For the fingerprinting forms, please see the attached form listed below the Virtus information.
Currently, St. Joan of Arc does not offer instructor-led sessions, and the class is provided online. Follow the directions below to take register with Virtus Online and begin a course.
- Click HERE
- Click First Time Registrant
- Click Begin the Registration Process (at the bottom you have the option to watch a brief tutorial on the pre-registration process if needed).
- Find Oakland Diocese from the list and click Select.
- Create a User ID and password you can easily remember. This is necessary for all participants. If your preferred User ID is already taken, please use another ID. We suggest the use of email addresses as user names. Click Continue to proceed.
- Provide all the requested information. (NOTE: Do not click the back button or your registration will be lost) Click Continue to proceed.
- Please select St. Joan of Arc Parish (San Ramon) as the primary place you work, volunteer or worship. Click Continue.
- Your selected location will be displayed on the screen. You will be asked if you work or volunteer in another location. Select No, unless you need to add another location.
- Choose Volunteer as the Role you play within the Diocese. Click Continue.
- Select Catechist or Liturgical Minister or any additional roles you play within the Diocese. Click Continue.
- Answer the question “Do you interact with, work with or come into contact with minors and/or vulnerable adults of this diocese?” Click Continue
- Review the Diocese of Oakland Code of Conduct. Click “I’ve read and understand the Catholic Diocese of Oakland’s Code of Conduct” and Continue.
- If you have not attended a Virtus session click No.
- You will be presented with the list of upcoming Trainings, both the online session and instructor-led trainings. At this time the only course offered is Protecting God’s Children. Click next to the circle of the training you wish to attend and click Complete Registration.
If you have any questions, please contact our St. Joan of Arc Virtus site coordinator Wendy Bankson at 925 830-0600.
Live Scan Parish Volunteer Fingerprint Form
If you're Parish volunteer position requires you to be fingerprinted, please make sure you have created a Virtus account prior to using the attached Live Scan Service fingerprint form. Please download the form below...